Baby Sparrow....

....I watched this little sparrow being fed by its' mom, but by the time I got my camera the mom was gone, although the little one was patiently waiting for her to come back. 
We drove Jennie and the baby down to Chicago this morning to catch the plane back to Houston. There was an accident on the freeway-- with a truck spinning out and hitting the median strip--& it must have happened shortly before we came along. The traffic was still moving, but it was very slow going for awhile. By the time we dropped them off at the airport and were heading back, the traffic on that side of the expressway where the accident had taken place was backed up for miles and miles! I was so glad we'd gotten through before it got that bad--& all because everyone starts to slow down to gawk, and then traffic starts slowing way down until eventually it stops completely! I'm betting there were lots of people late for work this morning!  

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