We are not amused!

This is Tilly looking regal on her "throne" - I'm having to lock her out of the coop as she has gone broody once more. Polly seems to be permanently broody as has never come out of the nesting area without a push and a shove from me! Unlike Tilly, she seems happy once out. Tilly on the other hand will let out a raucous squawk and will keep this up until she accepts I am not letting her back in, at which point she sits on her throne! Usually I push them both out  into the garden now and again, but yesterday was just an overcast, drizzly, mizzly sort of day so I left them to sit, Polly on the footstool below her, but at one point when I disturbed them by my noise, Polly got to the throne first and Tilly got the footstool! 
I spent the day doing intermittent cleaning and tidying whilst finishing my latest book. I tackled the cutlery drawers and spent the rest of the day opening them to marvel again at their orderliness! I finished my book, which was a swop with French Dweller - So Much For That by Lionel Shriver, the author of We Need to Talk About Kevin. It is about a wife dying from cancer and mainly the effects on her husband, family  and friends. I remembered her telling me about the book but forgot when we swopped that this was the book I was getting until I got to the end of chapter 1 ! Set in America it did as the soundbite review on the back cover said - make me feel grateful for the NHS! It was an excellent read and resonated on so many levels and was both humorous, searingly honest about society, death and cancer and thought provoking. So like a menu, I'm wondering what to read next from my basket of "to read" books! 

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