Oil Painting

As I spent most of the afternoon - well' all of it really - at Stoke Mandeville Hospital waiting for what turned out to be a very short consultation on my eye, I have had no time for a serious blip!  Why give me a 3 o'clock appointment if you aren't going to see me until half past 4, why not give me a later time to arrive?  That annoys me about the medical profession - as if their time is the only time of any value! It's OK to keep me hanging around doing nothing worthwhile so that not a second of their precious time is wasted!.Also,when my name was eventually called by the consultant, why not apologise for the wait!  Also, don't go walking off well ahead of me so that I follow like some servant but not actually knowing where you're going! Moreover, said consultant then disappears off to scan some other guy who's got forgotten! Whinge over!

Anyway, eye should be OK now as no problem with retina detected and the vision has cleared a lot over the past week - almost back to normal!  As long as nothing happens while I zip off to France and Spain using a few flights in the process I shall be happy. Mind you, as the not-so-polite-consultant said, it would be a great hardship to have to spend more time in France or Spain!  Spain I could manage ...but not so sure about France.

Anyway, I had the company of my lovely friend Christal, who took me there, waited all that time and brought me home. After dilating eye drops it would not have been a good idea for me to drive!

So all in all I was a bit short of photography time and today's blip is the tiger from yesterday with a lot of oil painting filters applied. Sometimes it's good just to muck about!

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