Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Trouble in the AOG Stadium...

It was another jam-packed day for the AOG here in NJ.  This reporter spent the morning at a remote location where the judges decided that the Flower Crab Spiders were going to be banned from part of the games after finding what was left of Poor Pinkie stuck in an evening Primrose.  What, do you think I make this stuff up???  See the whole thing in two frames...
The crimes against Pink (actually one of the most stunning moths I've seen)
and the Culprit who was heard burping after he exited the flower

(Two miles into my weekly walk with my naturalist group, the skies opened and it POURED.  There is no quick way to hike two miles in the rain and we were all soaked by the time we got back to our cars.  Luckily, I had the camera raincoat so the important stuff stayed dry.) 

I spent the afternoon covering events back at the local AOG Stadium where Team Licen Moth was shamelessly photobombed and where Team Hummie has officially requested an investigation into Team Yellow Jacket on charges of doping.  The two got into a brief altercation in the arena, seen above after Team YJ started acting very aggressive and interfered with Team Hummie's practice flights.  Team Squirrel was also behaving in a fashion most unbecoming to Olympic athletes -  I am going to have to have words with them.

Meanwhile, reports are coming in from Blippers around the globe with terrific on-the-spot stories of the athletes.  If you haven't yet filed a report from your corner of the world, please join us!  Just tag your entries with AOG followed by the date.   And to catch up on all the events thus far in these AOG, see the links below:

Lastly, an update on the 2016 Monarch Diaries ... I found about a dozen more just-hatched cats and brought them all in, along with an equal number of eggs.  One of the people in my naturalist group has said he'd like some cats as he has lots of milkweed and no monarchs, so I'm taking a dozen to him next week.  And, in the meantime, I'll continue to try to bring as many as possible into the safety of an enclosure.  My personal goal is to release at least 25 monarch butterflies this summer.


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