Pokémon Hunter

Thank goodness it’s Friday. A couple of weeks ago, I made an appointment for a haircut for today at 9am as I thought BB was back at school.  I had got ahead of myself!  I therefore had to get him up earlier than he wanted to get up, as I had to get to a nearby village for 9am.  My usual hairdresser is on maternity leave, so it was an emergency haircut at a new salon – but the experience wasn’t too bad.  We came home via the supermarket, as we had friends coming for lunch,

They arrived later than anticipated.  They are moving house and are in limbo for the next three weeks, but had to be out of their place today.  They arrived looking worn out.  We had lunch and a catch up, before they headed off to their temporary accommodation.

BB and I then visited the library, as he had completed the Summer Reading Challenge.  He finished his books a couple of weeks ago, but we haven’t been around to return them.  He was disappointed to discover that they had run out of medals!

Against my better judgement I downloaded Pokémon Go for BB this evening, and after the rain had gone off we had to go out to look for them.  He didn’t find any, but did find a couple in the house!  Here he is out on the hunt.

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