An ordinary life....

By Damnonii



Apologies for another building blip but Ele asked for a pano shot and it's the only photo I took today.   I love that the builders are already using our little boot room for the purpose it's intended....hanging up jackets!  :-)))

Having made it upstairs last night I had a very long lie in this morning.  I wish I could say it was lovely but I am finding my bed less comfy than the sofa and I slept later as I'd been away most of the night.

That said, it's still nice to get upstairs, even if it's just once a week!

The rest of the afternoon was spent organising various birthday, retirement and thank you cards that will be getting dished out in the coming couple of weeks.  Why is it whenever I use Funky Pigeon there's never any discounts on the go but when not needed, I get about three emails a day offering discounts!  I need to be more organised.

We headed down to Ele & Kenny's for tea and were joined by friends Alan and Gail.  Lovely dinner and catch up with all of them.  

And that was Saturday!  :)

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