Just chillin out

Here is Tino relaxing in his " window bed ".  Lily likes it as well but Tino got there first this morning.

Becky and Mike had a leisurely breakfast, finished packing and set off for the long trip home at around 11am.  They were going to break their journey in Leicestershire to call in on Mike's parents.

Neil left around the same time to go to Newcastle and meet his girlfriend.  They were going to spend some time at the Market on the Quayside.  Then Neil was going to find a pub to watch the Arsenal v Liverpool match. 

So Its just been me and the cats for most of the day.  Very quiet compared to the last few days.  I got on with some household chores - washing up, changing beds, washing, cleaning the BBQ - and I made some curried corn chowder.  Had chicken and veg for my tea.

Watched a fair amount of the Olympics - the medals are coming thick and fast for Team GB.  Amazing achievement by Matt Whitlock who won 2 Gold medals.

Steps today - 6,522

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