"It's a long way to the top if you want to Rock.."

"And Roll"  it's supposed to end with but not enough room in the title! The old AC/DC song seemed appropriate as I was listening to Planet Rock as I very carefully, and not without some trepidation, climbed the ladder rung by rung. I don't like heights but the Jasmine was growing into the guttering and soffits so had to go I'm afraid. Marlane was horrified when she saw what I had done, it used to be right up to the roof but we only had all of the guttering and fascias and soffits replaced a year or so ago and I didn't want them destroyed.
I didn't enjoy climbing up to that height but if I keep the Jasmine under control I won't have to in the future.

It's been blazing today and Marlane has been outside spraying pine cones, and other things, white as she's going to have a white Christmas this year whether it snows or not. :-)

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