Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Sad day

Saying goodbye to our friend Colin today at his funeral. It was very hard to do but an excellent service celebrating his life and his passion for music with his band playing for him as well as some fitting tunes played in his memory. Why is it at a funeral you learn so much about someone. Colin was always very private and good at getting you to talk. He will be greatly missed and for us all tomorrow will be a hard day as its the first sheep gather with the farmer he worked for where he wont be there. The second last time i saw him was giving him a lift to get the landrover parked down the road and he was looking at the cds in the pick up and found an old The Verve album we had in there. So to me now Bitter sweet symphony  will remind me of him. "Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything "  Plato

This was after early start to get cattle to the abattoir and then a few miles down the road we changed and read our books until the funeral. 

21c overcast then sunshine

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