
With mere hours to go in their competitions, Team Canada Goose achieved a small miracle and managed to get some coordination in Pairs Diving.  It wasn't a gold medal performance, as you can see by the less than perfect symmetry of tail feathers, but it earned them a Silver medal and the everlasting gratitude of their Team Captain who was trying to figure out how to gracefully exit the venue without anyone noticing.  

Tomorrow this reporter is going to try and cover Team Squirrel's attempts to master the balance beam.  I say "try" because there was a great deal of complaining about the heat here in Pacific Northwest Stadium when the temperature reached 85 degrees, and the squirrels were seen packing off their gymnastic equipment to the forest where they hoped it would be a bit cooler.  Just where in the forest is anybody's guess, but I'm sure they remembered to at least tell the officials where they were going otherwise it could be a very disappointing day for them. 
At least I'm pretty sure they remembered........ 

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