Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Like a pink caterpillar?

It has been a busy day at home catching up on chores - Gavin finished painting the TV room and it is looking so good - a pity that the rest of the house now looks grubby and in need of a coat of paint! I finished all the washing, and ironing (and Gavin even helped out with the ironing while I went to the shops and he was waiting for the paint to dry) Luke made lunch for us (chicken on the BBQ) and we have all had a productive day. Poor Thomas has got conjunctivitis so everyone is making sure he keeps washing his hands as are we, as it is so contagious.

I also chose photos to be printed, framed and hung in the new TV room. I had to check the editing and then converted all of them to mono, as the TV room, unlike the rest of the house, will be greys, blacks and cream - all very modern compared to the rest of our house which is rather traditional with warm colours. I always get my prints done at The Print Space, a professional lab in London and I am sure they will do a good job as they always do. We wanted simple black wooden frames with mounts, in which I can insert the prints so that if we get bored with the images I can change them from time to time - I found suitable frames online ( who custom make the frames to your size requirements.

I did not have time for photos, so thought I would look around the garden and I found this - think it is a type of buddleia? It does look like a pink caterpillar! I thought it would be an easy shot to get but in the breeze it was not that easy, and eventually I got out my tripod and still it was difficult to focus with it moving about.

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