"I wanna sing and dance...."

Saturday, Sugar and I got busy quite quickly. We went to her school, so I could get a few more directions on a sewing project I had volunteered to do.  Then we had to go to the fabric store where I was NOT pleased with the selection.  sigh....after much fuss (from me)....I bought Sugar a donut and we went home.  

After lunch we headed out to my sewing area, and started on the project.  Planning....cutting....folding....ironing...and some sewing ensued.  Soon we were out of time, and was nearly late to meet some friends at a local theater for some fun melodrama.  It was a giggly good time.  This photo is from Sugar's favorite part of the whole night.  She has been singing this guy's song ever since....It is soooooo stuck in our heads.

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