Costa Rica Adventure...Hey Good Lookin!

 Walked the 'Universal Trail' in Carara National Park this morning. It's a very special place because it's a 'Transitional Forest', an area where the forest changes from wet to dry (or dry to wet). Our guide, Edwin, explained to us that Transitional Areas such as Carara were once found all over MesoAmerica (the land mass from Mexico to and including Costa Rica). But now Carara National Park is the last remaining forest of it's type. This is a Black Spiny-tailed Iguana Ctenosaura similes. I thought that this handsome lizard looked familiar. Although they are native to Mexico and Central America, they have been introduced into Florida. I used to see them often in Miami. My 'Extra' today are Scarlet Macaws...they sleep in trees around the resort we are staying at. Coming in noisily around 4:30pm and leaving just as noisily early in the morning. It was explained to us that the Scarlet Macaw population is making a comeback, from 200 or so individuals thirty years ago to over 400 today. It's wonderful to see them!

I really do appreciate you stopping by to take a look at my photos from Costa Rica. I apologize that I'm not able to visit you back or even answer your kind comments. I'm pretty much exhausted by the end of the day .

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