BLIPmeet in Stratford-upon-Avon

A WHOLE day of BLIPmeets ... wow!  See the extras, both taken by hubby, and wasn't he a dear?!? ... ;DD

At 10.30 at Caffe Nero on Henley Street, they filed in one by one (hubby and I were the second couple to arrive) -- JJ, BlackTulip, Hildasrose, Rob, AH14, LooseCanon, Technophobe, JDO, Ellaphant, hubby, Old Joe, and Hillyblips.  After about 45 minutes of chat, we took to the streets -- the Guildhall Chapel, the park near Holy Trinity, and then a walk along first one side of the Avon then the other, connected by a brief chain ferry ride.  At one point, Hillyblips had to leave because of a dental appointment, which I trust went well.  After all that walking, we had a cozy ice-cream-cake-and-coffee/tea snack, after which we decided to return to the B&B to rest a bit for the next BLIPmeet ...

... with Topsy56 and WJM from New Zealand at the Holiday Inn nearby!  That was fun!  We agreed it was fortunate that we would be in the same town at the same time.  Gift exchange and drinks at the Holiday Inn, after which they had to join their group for dinner, of course, while we returned to the Thai restaurant for our own dinner.  What I particularly enjoyed was finally hearing the voice of both my online grandsons -- a real thrill!

We laughed as it rained hard during dinner and then stopped just in time for us to walk back to the B&B.  Somehow, the rain manages to fall most of the time when it is most convenient.  In contrast, it was very warm during the day (although admittedly cooler than yesterday) so that I had to reduce the glare drastically for all of my outdoor shots .  Today's post is decent, at least.  You've no idea how many I had to chuck into the bin.

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