Tiny Tuesday Follow- up....Finally

I spent the morning with WRPerry at the Patuxent Wildlife Reserve in hummingbird heaven.  The six feeders that the rangers fill every day are a magnet for dozens of hummingbirds.  It is quite a magical experience to see them circling around, bickering, chirping and flying past our ears with their wings buzzing. Today was better for me, and I came home with more decent shots than the last two times.  I guess it just takes practice. I have loaded a few more to Flickr. They are such amazing little creatures and sadly, in a few weeks they will be gone. 

TT Week 65 Results
I have had ongoing internet connectivity problems that have not yet been resolved so that has delayed me getting the Tiny Tuesday Challenge results posted.  There so many great images this week, I really had a hard time narrowing it down.  The following images are quite excellent and received hearts for TT65:


Here are some more excellent images that deserve Honorable Mention and a look if you haven't seen them yet:

Next week for Tiny Tuesday week 66, I thought we might mix it up a bit and add an optional Mystery Macro challenge.  Post an image of something taken very, very close-up and let your followers try to guess what it is in your comments.  On Weds, post another image that reveals what it is, as an extra.  You can join in this bit of fun or you can feel free to post a regular Tiny Tuesday image as always. All will be considered for hearts and honorable mention no matter what you post. I do hope you will join in. 

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