Near St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle

Thought I'd post a shot of hubby posing just outside the chapel.  The Changing of the Guard was going on and I'd already managed a number of reasonable shots from our vantage point near the chapel.  We were actually standing on a little hill, which made it easier for me, of course.

As I mentioned yesterday, the intention was to visit Windsor Castle today, which we did.  I realized about 15 minutes after we had got in, though, that I had forgotten my memory card in the B&B.  Undeterred, I just took shots, trusting on the memory of the camera, which can accommodate 42 shots.  You can be sure I used all 42.  It helped a lot that photographing wasn't allowed inside St. George's Chapel as well as inside the State Apartments.  We also learned that the State Apartments are not the Private Apartments; I had always thought they were the same.

After Windsor Castle, we had lunch, and then on to Alexandra Park where hubby plopped down on a bench while I scooted off to the B&B to fetch my memory card and see if I could check in for the return flight.  I was still too early for the latter.  When I got back to hubby, we decided to stroll to nearby Eton, just out of curiosity.  Then back and dinner close to the B&B, and then finally rest.

Flight back to The Neth tomorrow afternoon.  Managed to check in tonight.  Starting Sunday, windmill-hunting season will be open again.

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