Trapped inside

I was about to go home after I'd finished my shift, when I spotted this moth on the inside of the window of our small kitchen at work. It would not be able to find its way out again so I took this one shot and then caught the moth using the only things I could find - a plastic cup and a plastic bag to wrap it in. I pricked a few holes in the bag with a fork and released the moth at a patch of trees and shrubs near the apartment.

I had hoped for an easy journey home after another busy day at work but the driver of my first bus closed the doors and drove off when I was barely 2 metres away! I knew I was going to miss my second bus if I had to wait for the next one, so I walked there as fast as I could. (It would have been 3 stops by bus.) I'd only just made it to the stop when my other bus arrived! I was very hot and dripping at that point though because I'd had to walk so quickly in full sunshine! It's not the first time this has happened! A few days ago, the driver of my second bus did the same thing and I had to wait another 20 minutes in full sun for the next one! My apologies for the rant.

Thank you very much for all the comments, stars and heart on yesterday's blip of Rosie.

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