The Party is Now Officially Over

IT is definitely over now that the Fat lady sang her swan song last night and the city echoed to the thundering crash of fireworks, the sky lit up with huge cascading stars of coloured light.

To my eternal chagrin, I opted to go to bed rather than join the throng of spectators watching from the nearest observation spot, but I did hear the noise, sounding as though I were in a war zone, but comforting in a way that I knew I wasn't.

Now I can dispose of this selection of fliers given out so easily by enthusiastic Fringe performers and binned so readily by the recipients, despite the knowledge that a forest of trees has been cut down and wasted for such a transient usage.

This morning the City was wearing the success of the last three weeks with apparent nonchalance under another sunny sky and warmth.
There was an 8% increase in Festival ticket buying this year over last year which leaves me wondering how much worse the mayhem can get if this increase continues.
Today with something approaching normality, the pavements were navigable and the roads less congested.
Hip hip hooray!

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