What is It?

You may well ask what this blip represents. Answers on this page and the first person with the correct one will be rewarded with an accompanied walk through the Festival crowds at next year's Festival and a wish on David Hume's toes or on the nose of Greyfriar's Bobby. The judge's decision is final.

It was a quiet morning on the home front calling for a civilised get together with neighbours.
There was a general putting of the world to rights as we sat in glorious and elderly isolation in nearby Soderberg. It has never been this quiet for months; not one tourist with a fist full of Festival fliers, or one student with a lap top and papers taking over a whole table while nursing a cold cup of coffee.

We have acquired two tents in the Meadows at the moment, one of which is directly in our line of view and annoying His Lordship immensely because nobody is moving it and its inhabitant on. Where are the 'parkies' of yesteryear charged with upholding the bye laws of our parks? They seem to be nonexistent and if you have enough bottle to flout the rules, it seems you can get away with it for days on end. Quite a different story should you park your car anywhere you fancy or overstay your welcome.
Last week the man operating the grass cutting machine on the Meadows went to great lengths to avoid knocking into the resident tent, leaving the latter on an island of uncut grass.

Enough is enough, I beginning to sound like a very old Morningside lady....... even if by rights I am.

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