The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Looking Down from Brownshill

Despite having only just got back to Stroud, and having no internet connection because our router had been fried in a giant thunderstorm, we had a busy day.

We took some people down to Stonehouse community Centre, where our friend John was giving a talk about stereo microscopy. This turned out be excellent, and was much appreciated by all in attendance. Then we handed over some boxes, and took the folks back home via Tesco, where I had to add data to my phone.

I then rushed off to the cabin to carry on reading The Long Song by Andrea Levy, for book group. I did not manage to finish it. Much later, I reflected that book group choices may not be ideal for me: why buy brand new books and struggle with having the time to read them, when my house is full of books and audio books I have not yet read? The previous night I had dreamed I was at book club, discussing a book called The Vintage Teacup Club. Needless to say, this is another book on my shelf that I have not yet read, and one which would almost certainly not be up for book club scrutiny!

This is the view from outside the house, in the hamlet of Brownshill, at which the book group was meeting.

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