
This is the end result of ripping out a huge amount of cantankerous Pyracantha.
I went to Morrisons to get more Bamboo plants but they had stopped doing them so three of the four we had were split to spread the bamboo along the fence. The Pyracantha had spread all the way along there and in front of the tree and was about 5 feet high this morning, it is no more and hopefully it won't come back.
Put lots of water into the planting holes before filling them in with soil so hopefully the bamboo will recover from the brutal separation process which involved a long bladed jig saw, axe and spade!! Problem was that the roots were coiled around the large container and although I managed to pry some loose others were so tight and embedded I just had to cut through them.
I think Bamboo is pretty resilient though so I'm quite hopeful.
And what about the tree trunk in the foreground? I hear you ask. This was a Eucalypt tree that we planted to remind us of Marlane's sister in Tasmania. It got too large so we had it trimmed down which killed it very rapidly. We won't be using that tree surgeon butcher again! I cut the rest of it down to the height you can see so that we could have a swing from one branch and the rest as a garden feature. All of the bark became loose and we removed the last of it today. I don't think the spiders and wood lice were very happy with us. This is the tree trunk with the nesting box that featured the nesting blue tits a few months ago.

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