Things are not what they seem....

I don't know about you, but I really dislike those "living statues" which you can see in a lot of tourist places like Trafalgar Square or the Royal Mile. I find them creepy and often a little threatening.

I approached this one in the same way, as did most people coming after me. Then we were all astonished (and not a little relieved!) to discover that he was in fact an art installation called "Sleepwalking", and not a real person at all.

Of course, then I set up my camera to record the reactions of new people. I could have stayed all day long, just watching the looks on their faces! It was wonderful to see how this also made people interact with each other, expressing their fears, dislike and then relief and of course taking plenty of photos..

For some reason, it put me in mind of this

and if that wasn't enough fun for one day, I met an ice cream shop giving the stuff away! 

(all this fun was had on the amazing Highline and the fabulous NYC district of Chelsea)

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