Woman Walking

By njoyce06

Hurricane damage....

     We just had a fairly mild hurricane come through North Florida last night.  The winds were about 80 miles per hour, and once the storm hit land, it began to loose strength.  It did leave a significant amount of damage, however.  Approximately 29,000 homes in North Florida are out of power, still after 24 hours.  The news said 170,000 people in this area still affected.  I was without power myself, from sometime after midnight till 7:15 tonight.  
     When I was out to get something to eat, I took my camera and got a few pictures of some of the damage and downed trees.  While driving, I saw 3 sets of power lines down, without a single power truck anywhere's near by...  The people on those trunk lines have my greatest sympathy for it will be a long, warm and dark night.
  The first pic is in my neighborhood, the third is the power line that is keeping my power from my house, the second is a tree that went over on a house.

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