Pecking Order

I started tackling the massive list of stuff this morning. Clearing and fixing the gutters front and back, yippee what fun especially as the front clearly had not been done since the dawn of time. The back one was blocked which meant that the extension roof became a pond so deep it went over the bottom of the rooflight...Anyway they are all clear and mended. It chucked it down this afternoon all the water seemed to flow where it was supposed to go.

Then into town to drop Alf and H's dad off at the station (there were off to see Arsenal).

Our next job was to go chicken shopping. We've had chickens for over 5 years now and did not expect them to live beyond about four. So for the last year they've been steadily slipping over the rainbow bridge and we only had two left.

The place we used to buy them from is no longer in business so we consulted the Internet and found a new supplier who had one 10 minute appointment free today! We bought 6, clipped their wings and let them go in the run.... I'm not sure the old chickens were very pleased to see them and there was a bit of aggressive pecking, however they'll soon sort it out and we should be good for about 1500 eggs over the next 12 months, 500 of which will be blue!

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