Quiet Contemplation

The students are dribbling back into the city just as the University area is recovering from Festival frenzy. This young man was deeply into his phone as he sat on a window ledge of Old College with bus and cars thundering past yards from his feet.

How strange it was to walk to Marchmont up Middle Meadow Walk this morning and not pass a single person but have the place to ourselves and be able to hear the silence. To be honest, it was rather unnerving to be on our own, there was a general wondering about where everyone was.

We were on our way to deliver a 'Welcome to your new Home ' card to a friend who has moved into modern flat. However like other new flats, there was no letter box on the outside door and she wasn't in, so the card came home with us to be posted. Now I'm wondering whether there was a services bell we could have used to gain entry. It is annoying not to be able to deliver letters by hand, even though I can understand the rationale behind not having external letter boxes.

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