The next generation.

Went out to Bunker's Hill, milk hunting. Got nattering to Mrs. Farmer, who was out in the yard at the time. Crack got around to my slight association with a farmer "over West" and calving etc.
"There's one just calved, want a look, it's about 20 mins old?"
Daft question, of course I did.
For the benefit of preserving "Mother's modesty" &/or the benefit of the squeamish - various "dangly bits" have been cloned out, it was that recent.
As an odd aside - The milk is in bottles claiming to be:-
"BUNKERS HILL DAIRY" and I'm certain the name was "Walsh"
Looked for it on the Blipmap and found
"M. S. Walsh" situated, they claim, at Fort Putnam.
Can't BOTH be right?
Viewed from another angle, the calf looks so similarly marked to "Mam" that it could almost be a clone.

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