Vintage feed sacks

I went to a talk about vintage feed sack quilts by Janet Bothemly. It was very interesting, I knew a lot of the history of the printed feed sacks but Janet did add some extra information. I did not know that the sacks with the name of the flour on were printed using a non permanent ink. So they could be soaked and used as plain white fabric. Some are very heavily printed so they must have required intensive washing. The quality of the fabric was so good, such fine weaves and some of the patterns were very pretty.

Also at the evening we celebrated a ladies 100th birthday, never done that before. She was quite spritely and was still driving(scary) , if I live to be that age I hope I am like that.

We caught another rat and as I was out in the car I had to do the eviction. It was a tense drive on the A1 with no lay-bys!

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