If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Japanese Anemone

Another rather desperate blip.  I spent the day round home and flowers are beginning to get scarce, well ones i haven't blipped anyway.

This plant seems to be as tough as old boots.  We first grew it where our patio is now.  When we decided to get rid of it I spent months weed killing and "worrying it to death" (family term for knocking off any growth seen above ground level until the bits below ground run out of food supplies).

Finally we moved a little into an area under two large Chameacyparis Laneii.  If that wasn't enough to kill it a car spends much of the time parked in front of it blocking off the light.  As you can see it hasn't done it much harm.

For my own information - it isn't Anemone japonica  it is Anemone hupehensis var japonica

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