Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

A Blipmeet in Peebles

Today was the last day of the walking weekend. It was another good day for weather.

A few people went off for more sedentary activities while the longer walk was 8 miles by the river and I haven't learned where the short walk went.

It was Chris Marples first time of leading and he did it very well.

I had been invited to spend the evening with blipper and his wife. They have settled in Peebles after retiring. So here is John with his photo of me. We had a lovely relaxed evening and a very tasty meal. It's always good to meet people you have been following for years and discover how accurate your view is of them!

Tomorrow I'm going to visit the John Buchan Centre and may do a bit of shopping in town before heading south.

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