Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

War Memorial Peebles

This was my last morning in Peebles. The dining room was full of new visitors to the hotel. They must have arrived yesterday evening. It felt strange to be there without all my friends.

After checking out, I went visit The John Buchan Story,  a small museum in the main street of Peebles. It was a second blipmeet with chamberlainjohn who is a volunteer at the museum.

This museum is well worth a visit. The information is displayed well and it kept my interest through the two small rooms and the audiovisual presentation. I now know a lot more about John Buchan than before!

My blip is of the unusual War Memorial in the nearby gardens. The cross is sheltered in a rather fine shrine. It is a cross of Sicilian limestone decorate with Sicilian mosaics. I haven't been able to find out why it is such an unusual design, but it is very impressive.

I hoped to buy some trendy new boots in Rogersons, but my size was sold out. The shops in Peebles are well worth a browse, although I did not part with any money.

The journey home was no problem and I was here by 2.15pm.

The washer has been on and now I need to prepare for tomorrow's recce with Dave and Lil in Bellingham.

It's always good to be home, especially on quizzy Mondays!

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