New outfits

Just finishing off a set of clothes for ‘the dolls’, so I can send them off to the grandchildren before we go away.

When the girls were here in the summer I let them loose on my huge collection of oddments of wool, collected over a lifetime of knitting. They chose the balls they liked (it took a long time!) and made me a list of what to make. You can guess their favourite colours – pink, green and purple. The purple lady’s doll apparently only needed shoes, so I am just knitting those – hard to knit on two thick needles after so much knitting on four tiny needles.
I am especially pleased with the turtle dress. This was designed by the ‘Turtle Girl’, who knows so much about turtles and drew them as Sea Turtles. I hope these meet her specifications – it took me ages to design on squared paper and then I had to learn Duplicate Stitch, which is effectively embroidering over the top of the knitted stitches. It’s apparently very helpful to learn some new skills as you get older!!

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