Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm


Spent the morning with these three gorgeous little ladies today. They were super helpers at Twins at Totstime, showing great listening, teamwork and friendship. It was lovely.

I got them home, had lunch together and then off to school. I had plans of ironing, but by the time I had hung a load of washing out, put another load on, emptied the dishwasher and then reloaded it, I had 30 minutes before I had to pick them up again! I am so looking forward to Aj being full-time. I know after a week or so, I'll probably be missing my little helper/shadow, but right now, the constant to-ing and fro-ing is a pain in the butt!!

I've had a lovely evening again, having been to see Bad Moms for the 2nd night running and yes, it's still just as funny! The writer and director have absolutely hit the mark on this movie. I've had such a giggle watching it both times and can relate to some many parts of the movie. In particular the "we're all Bad Mom's - very few are perfect"

My girls test me every day, they often drive me absolutely crazy and frustrate the hell out of me, but, I love them dearly, I'm very aware of their potential and know that they're not going to be my babies forever. In the meantime, I'm going to make mistakes, I'm going to feel like pulling my hair out and I'm going to keep loving them with every beat of my heart.

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