Journey Through Time

By Sue

Mater from "Cars"

Bill and I went with his brother and his wife to this car gathering at the Portland International Raceway grounds. Every Wednesday afternoon and evening, the car guys and gals bring their beloved old time car or truck to show off to the crowds. It's sponsored by a restaurant in Vancouver and there is food and drink if you so desire. We walked around in the late afternoon sunshine and soon I was quite warm. But, I soldiered on and I enjoyed looking at all the various cars...from the earliest Model T's to Mini Coopers from the 1960's. It can't be newer than 1972 or something like that. I decided that I would have liked to have the money represented in everything that I saw today at that would be quite a bit, I'm sure. So, I saw Mater here, and I thought this was about the cutest truck on the grounds. So, Mater is the star today.

Bill and I just had a late snack and I'm gonna go rest and watch some Olympics. The day was gorgeous, but I got quite warm and I feel like it sucked out my energy. Oh, aging is so fun. Maybe later I can put a link in for you to see some of the other cars. Some of them are just gorgeous.

Keep on truckin', Blippers. See ya later.

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