
By GracieG

The Forties Weekend is coming to Town

Many of the shops here in Holt are getting ready for the hugely popular 1940s weekend, taking place this Saturday and Sunday.  Many have blast tape in their windows and special 1940s displays.
This wartime table display is in Bakers & Larners department store.  On the table you’ll see the ‘Holt Ration Book’.  The idea is that you pick up the ration book from the North Norfolk Railway station or participating stores and you get your book stamped as you visit all the shops who are taking part.  Then you will be entered into a prize draw.  In addition some shops will have a ‘Walking  with the Wounded’ teddy bear in their window display, collect all the teddy bear names for your ration book too.  All the bears were delivered today by vintage military vehicle, and accompanied by Benson the Labrador (who belongs to the local Gresham’s school).
Over the weekend the North Norfolk Railway will be running steam trains to and from Sheringham all day, the stations will also be a huge attraction for passengers, with the field next to Holt Station full of tents selling vintage clothes and antiques.  There will also be displays of military vehicles and some wartime music.  (I understand that Winston Churchill will also be making an appearance!).  Sheringham also makes a huge effort for this special weekend, again many of the shops in the high street will be dressed with bunting and 1940s window displays.
What really makes it special however, is that so many of the visitors dress up for the occasion.  There will be military personnel, nurses, Home Guard, and Land Army girls, along with many wartime ‘civilians’.  M and I have dusted off our 1940’s hats and red lipstick (for me that is, not M!).
We’re so looking forward to it, definitely a photographer’s paradise!

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