Waxcap Wonderland

A leisurely start today, but when it brightened up after lunch, I went down to the post office, to send off the Entoloma I found at the weekend  to Kew for DNA sequencing. I was thrilled when they asked for it to be sent. I'm nervously hoping it will arrive in a fit state. 
I then went of to the little local cemetery to check out the wax caps. Only 3, possibly 4 species, but lots of lovely Parrot Waxcaps and the quite a few of the species in the photo. Probably Hygrocybe  persistens but I'll double check that later.  Other species found were Smoky Spindles, A Fibrecap, which I also hope to do battle with later, a couple of small Boletes, some Tawny Grisettes  and the ubiquitous Deceivers. 

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