Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

No, its not a rugby photo....

It is Saturday which usually means that I post a photo of Thomas playing rugby...except the hot weather of late has caused the pitches to be so hard that he has a very tender Achilles tendon from all that running on hard ground so he is off-ex this week and won't be playing today. He and Gavin went to watch the 1st team match and given the cooler, damp day I decided to stay home....and took a photo of Murdoch instead. He hasn't appeared in my journal for a while now so here he is, watching birds and squirrels through the conservatory windows.

Adam gets back from his week of glacier skiing for the university squad late tonight. It has ended up costing him more than he thought as he did not realise he also had to pay for the coach's tuition. Don't start me on university sport and how little funding there is for that...many talented sportsmen are prohibited from playing as the annual subs for certain sports at certain universities are so high, so those who play are the ones who can afford it.

Luke is off to another 21st party tonight...he has barely recovered from the other one a few days ago. Funny how life is often remembered in terms of functions...18ths, 21sts, engagements, weddings, christenings, anniversaries...I won't go on from there, it all gets too depressing. 

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