The Terror

These are the lenses. Putting our customers first. Helping us get better at what we do best. Finding ways to continually improve. Changing the way we think and act so we work better. Managing and measuring how we're doing.
No ordinary lenses, these.
These are the five lean lenses. We use the five lenses to focus on Customer Value and Waste removal, building this into how we work every day. I could reflect on how my Granddad ran a garage in Kirkcudbrightshire as did his father (though it started with the stables for the mail horses) with no recourse to lean or lenses. He'd have laughed at this horseshit. Truly, I could think, we're a ship of fools. But we're fools with no laughter. The management are all in terror of each other; the fear of stepping out of line, the fear of not completing the performance assessment in time, of not meeting your KRAs and SLAs, of being caught being slightly sceptical about the 'value add' of all the crap.

Above my screen, I am gently mocked; for there it is written, beside my name:

I am professional
I am proactive
I simplify
I care

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