The Limes, Bearsted

If in need of a blip, the go to subject is often the buildings of Bearsted. This, as the title suggests is The Limes and it's on Bearsted Village Green where so many of the older houses can be found.

Again, the information comes from the Historic Buildings of England website; the following is just the introduction to this property:
A C15, C16 and C17 house with rendered timber framing with plain
tile roof. Originally an open hall with storeyed ends. Hall and right cross-
wing second half of C15; left wing, separately framed, early
C16 were at different heights. The building was re-roofed at same level
late C16/early C17 when attic created and hall floor inserted.

Apart from the walk this afternoon the morning was spent wading through the treacle that is catching up with stuff from when we were away. The later afternoon and evening was spent in a 3 hour governing body meeting. Bah humbug, this governing lark is getting siller by the day.

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