
By StephenS

Costume Drama

This is the third night of show rehearsals, and the first full dress rehearsal. The other two were 'tech' rehearsals, where they get the lights and sound right.
Panic struck in when No 2 realised that she was missing a costume, just as we were approaching the theatre. (p.s. I've just realised that the spellchecker here uses American spelling, realised and theatre are underlined as incorrect).
Anyway No 3 piped up and said that she saw it in her bedroom! Accusations flew as to how it got there.
Now, for reasons unbeknown by myself,  dance teachers can sometimes be the most fearsome creatures on Earth.
A quick drop off of No 2 and 3 and then return journey by myself to retrieve said costume was the only remedy to alleviate the real or imagined wrath of the dance teacher!

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