
...Tom says early 1950's, which I'd already guessed, as my grandpa had a blue one much like it when I was little! Not that I remember it, but I've got a picture of me in it when I was small; my mom told me that it was blue & I had to take her word for it, as the picture's in black and white! :)) We saw this car last week when we were out for a walk, & since it was raining today & I had errands to run, I stopped to see if it was out on the street & took a picture of it.  There's something about the color red and chrome that just seem to go together so well!! 
Jennie and the little one left for Texas early this morning & made it home just fine. I can't believe how quiet the house is without them!!  By the time they come back next week, we'll be living in a "gated community"--no, we're not moving--I went to the store and bought 3 gates to fence off areas of our house--I'd forgotten how much those little ones can get into once they start walking!!    :))

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