Future Blipper

This morning my granddaughter came running up to me yelling "potatoes"! (meaning she wanted to play "sack of potatoes"--a game where I flip her up on my shoulder, spin her around, then proceed to "eat" parts of her, calling them potatoes; strange, I know, but my dad did it to all of us when we were small, we played it with all our children, & now our grandchildren. As you can imagine it elicits loud shrieks of delight!) Anyway, I said "not right now, toots", as I hadn't even had my coffee yet! Well, I think that in her mind the only time grandma doesn't play is when I tell her I need to do my blip. So she looked at me for a few seconds, then yelled "BLIP!", ran for her computer, took it to the table and set it up!
(And as an aside, if I use my tablet instead of the computer, she crawls up on my lap, taps the Blip icon, waits for the screen with all the thumbnails to load, then scrolls through them, tapping the ones she wants to see larger--she's especially fond of dogs, flowers and squirrels--& then taps the back button to continue looking!! How do they learn so quickly???). :))
Thanks to admirer for hosting SillySaturday!

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