Selection Pack

Still not able to reply to you all, but if signal allows, then on train tomorrow... or Monday. In the meantime thanks for your patience.

Today's blip is a selection from the walk back from Coniston Moor (where I was practicing micro nav with my friend Dawn), to the car park at Tilberthwaite.

The former quarry just appeals with its colours and textures, the garden cross spider caught my eye as its such a strong colour and the other two are yet to be identified but intrigued me. The flower interests me in particular because it looks to be carnivorous as it has a pitcher behind it, it's leaves are just 1-2mm long and the entire plant is only 3cm tall. Sadly it's slightly damaged and the photo quality isn't good, but it's hopefully sufficient to help me identify it at home.

Edit: I think the caterpillar is that of a Fox Moth which is brown with a few cream coloured bars.,

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