Himalayan Balsam

Somewhat irritatingly Sunday's blip, which I posted on Monday, got entered as Monday so now I'm trying to blip Monday and Tuesday and it's all muddled. Sigh. I could copy and paste and swap stuff about but there are many comments under Sunday's fly agaric so I don't like to change it. Gar! Cross with self!

So, this is Monday 25th's blip but it's being posted as Sunday 24th.

I was pre-walking the Hertford District Night Hike route, ready for this coming weekend. I've been helping out the organiser by checking the walk instructions for Brownies & Cubs; and the grid references for Guides, Scouts, Explorers and Senior Section.

I couldn't help but notice the Himalayan Balsam growing by the river. A non-native invasive plant, introduced in 1839, it is the largest annual growing in Britain up to 2.5m high from seed in a single season.

Himalayan balsam spreads quickly as according t the RHS each plant can produce 800 seeds which it can project up to 7 metres!

It grows rapidly, choking other plants. It also has a long flowering period and a strong sweet scent so attracts pollinators away from other flowers.

Personally I find the scent overpoweringly sickly and I imagine it as the perfume of Professor Dolores Umbridge! It's such a pretty flower in various shades but this is a disguise for the thug underneath.

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