Judith's photos

By Judith


Two good friends, Caroline (my tutor-training tutor) and Michele (a fellow 'sufferer' on Caroline's course) came to see me at lunchtime, to see for themselves that I'm okay and not over-doing things. It's 7 or more years since I qualified, I think, but we've always kept in touch. Sadly, I don't think I reassured them on either point - apparently I look 'peaky' and in need of a nap. Sigh.

I made a loaf (a packet mix oat and linseed loaf, just add water and let the bread-maker do its magic) and supplied a jar of home-made chutney & a bottle of sparkling elderflower, and they provided the rest (salad and 3 different pâtés) and even did the washing up after lunch. What a tonic it was!

This was taken with my 'proper' camera - in my view, that's progress!

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