
They are going crackers at Bents Garden Centre (did you see what I did there he he he) and the Chri....the C....sorry I can't say the C-word. But anyway they are putting up lots of glittery, sparkly, light things ready for a big display!

I was off today and I couldn't get myself into gear at all, I sat and read and then Ellen sent a text to see if I fancied a cuppa and a cake at the local garden centre. Well it would have been rude to refuse....wouldn't it!

When I returned home the sun was out and the sky was clear so I thought I would head out with my camera. I fancied a little mooch around Bents and I was really pleased when Green56 agreed to meet me there. Well, the occasion called for another drink and a scone...and I wonder why I can't lose weight sigh.

It was a lovely day off.....but back to little pricks tomorrow!

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