Ice Cream...

you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

After my little drama yesterday it made me think, well realise things actually. I could have been locked in that school until Monday morning and not one person would have missed me. When I didn't turn up at home no-one would have thought, Flippin' heck, where is she? there wouldn't have been any frantic phoning around until Monday when I didn't turn up for work! 

I met Jude today and we were talking about this and she could a degree. "At least you have a thirteen year old son who would probably realise that you were missing when his stomach grumbled in the evening," I said. True. 

We both were wondering if this was as good as it gets, because if it is then it really is pretty shit. 

Anyway....we might be feeling maudlin and lonely but we decided to go for a walk round Pennington Flash in the sunshine. It was so sunny that there was a lick of ice cream vans dotted along the waterside. I wonder if there was an ice cream war? Flakes at five o'clock?

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