... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Egyptian Geese: Pilates

I took lots of pictures of birds today: I was pleased with quite a few, so will Blipfolio the others...

This is a goose doing Pilates; it is their favourite form of exercise (evidence, more evidence).

The goslings were being adorable and well behaved: they raced to the edge of the pond, but waited patiently on their favourite little beach with their mother while the father dawdled on another edge to the pond... Only when he came alongside them in the water did they leap in excitedly and scramble off (at speed) to join him. "Don't swim until your father says it is safe to!".

I also got nice close-ups of the "tween" moorhenlings/juvenile moorhens (here). Here is a gosling: they're growing so quickly. Here is a portrait of the mother goose.

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