Life on the edge...

By bru22

Feeding time at the zoo!

Tonight, was the night! See yesterday's blip for details...!

Hello, Dolly! Was the musical which we produced and staged in 24 hours, from hair being pulled out to laughter to tears... And that was just from the band who didn't stay up 24 hours! A genuine great achievement for so many people involved. Especially Brain who was musical director and found a 22 piece orchestra/band with about 10 days notice!

The show wasn't perfect, of course it wasn't going to be. The main act had her words infront of her for most of the show but apart from that the cast added so many little funny ad libs that got the sold out audience roaring with laughter! Great night.

I ended up being taxi tonight but was good to chat to C on the way home. As more of a friend than I ever have chatted to her..

I am absolutely shattered, and that's with having slept last night! Goodness knows how tired the cast are feeling!

Goodnight Blip world!

Oh and the picture, this was taken at 6.30pm before the show, the crew get in a huge amount of pizza for everyone pre-show, as I didn't get a chance to blip the stage or obviously the production as I was working this is as good as it gets! The backstage life of a musician!

"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore."
Jack Brooks

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