Cakes or biscuits?

So.....I was asked by a colleague last week what I was going to give up for Stoptober, I said I would give up biscuits and crisps because they are all there on the tea table and I have over indulged for too long. Amanda said she would do the same. I met up with Amanda and others on Saturday and she said she had eaten some Jaffa Cakes...."What!" I exclaimed, "We are only on day one and you've already succumbed to a biscuit."

Well, this led to a big debate on whether Jaffa Cakes are cakes or biscuits. Amanda was adamant they were cakes, I was adamant they were biscuits. I mean really, they are found in the biscuit aisle in supermarkets, for goodness sakes. If someone invited me for tea and cake and there was a Jaffa Cake on a plate instead of a slice of Victoria sponge I'd feel cheated! I said I would do some research. "Research away," she laughed.

So I wrote a long email to McVities explaining our argument and asking for clarification....the result was not what I was hoping for. Apparently, Jaffa Cakes are cakes. In 1991 United Biscuits won a tribunal proving this to the inland Revenue. The base is a sponge containing fat, sugar, flour and eggs, it starts moist and goes hard when stale like a cake. Biscuits start crisp and go soft when stale. Amanda was victorious, I had to eat humble pie :(

So, I bought a packet to take a photo of them tonight. I couldn't find where I've put the flash gun so it isn't very good. Now the question I swallow my pride and eat them because McVities have said they are not biscuits or do I still feel strongly enough that they are not cakes and save them until November? 

Anyway, I sent an email back thanking them through gritted teeth for replying and hoping there was a consolation box of Jaffa Cakes in the post for me.......we shall see!!!

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