
By Beewriter


"I'll come between 9 - 9:30am" said Alan.

He didn't forget this time.

I woke up at 8:15 the phone rang....

"I'm ready to come now if that's okay."


Alan only lives five minutes away so I didn't even have time to get dressed before he was knocking on the door. With the promise of heat I didn't care though. He worked all day and now I have hot water and heat.....oh the bliss, the joy, the ecstasy of heat! Pelly is also revelling in the warmth as she is exulting under the radiator in a fluff of feline happiness.

When Alan had finished I had cabin fever, so I walked round to Carole's for a cuppa. Now, I am just loving the warmth.....aaaaaah. 

I have been thinking just about me for too long now....I need to hang my head in shame as I had forgotten that my niece is one today....#badauntie

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